Premises and Cloud-based Networks
Premises-based Systems
Premises-based systems can be more cost-effective where you have a large amount of data, a dedicated support team, and where maintaining control over your data is crucial

Premises-based System FeaturesYou own the database
No usage-based fees
Highest level of data safety
Integrate with most legacy equipment and wiring
No usage-based fees
Highest level of data safety
Integrate with most legacy equipment and wiring
Cloud-based Systems
Cloud is easy to set up, operate, maintain, and scale. Everything is done remotely, lightening the burden on your IT department and delivering consistent performance, irrespective of your legacy system.

CLOUD-BASED SYSTEM FEATURESAll setup, upgrades, and maintenance handled remotely
Share services across multiple organizations
Access applications, services, & data through your connected devices
Use-based Invoicing
Share services across multiple organizations
Access applications, services, & data through your connected devices
Use-based Invoicing