Premises-Based vs. Hosted? It Depends
Premises-based Systems
Companies looking to upgrade existing systems
or own their own should consider premises-based

Premises-based System Features
Buy once—Pay once
Save money on lower cost SiP Trunk phone lines
Reuse legacy PRI” DID phone line circuits and existing wiring
Use iP phones, SiP based Mobile Apps, Unified Communications, Soft, Mobile & Browser phones
Music on Hold and Paging
Have Voice Mail Messages with actual message attached emailed to your Smart phone
Hosted Systems
Businesses with multiple locations or many off-site
workers should consider a Hosted Solution.

Hosting Company does all the set up
Lower programming & maintenance costs
Multi-site configurations with single number reach
No hassle adds/moves/changes
Highly scalable, with easy-to-add Phones/Profiles
Tele-worker-friendly–connect anywhere with an Internet connection or Wi-Fi